ukranian girl

Realy hot these ukranian girls are. They r really cool to hang out with. they are really smart but dont let that fool you. They have a big imagination. if u know what i mean. They r really good at bumping and grinding on the dance floor. each dance they go to they mix it up. if ur a guy that dances with one. u will have a nice ass shake all over ur crotch area and u would b lucky. they r really nice and laugh ALOT!!!! but its really cute and i think if a guy gets with one, he might not be able to take it. they seem they can get pretty intense when ur in the moment, but us guys will have to find out.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to ukranian girl. Some of the top words include: Dancers, Biddy, stonking, fine ass bitches, GohanSaiyanElite, and 25 more.